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HomeTipsSupernatural Ways to Choose Lotto Numbers

Supernatural Ways to Choose Lotto Numbers

When you choose lotto numbers, what lucky numbers do you choose? Is it your birthday or favorite numbers?  Sports numbers? Do you stick to superstitions when picking numbers, like the number 13? There are many ways to use numbers to play the lottery. “Quick Picking” is another form of choosing numbers, except that it’s chosen by a system that auto-picks numbers for you. How will you choose your next winning numbers?

We’ve gathered all of our insight from previous blog posts and researching Lotto to help you pick your next Lotto numbers here for your convenience.

1. Using Numerology: For those of you who don’t know, Numerology is the study of the meaning of numbers. It’s believed that over 4,000 years ago, Numerology was used by mankind. Numerologists, or people who study numbers, often believe that the numbers 1-9 are significant and have meaning. For example, people add the numbers up a birthday or an anniversary, and reduce them to a single digit. After reducing the numbers to a single digit on or below 9, you can determine what that single number means. An example of this would be if you’re born on the 18th of the month, 1+8=9, so your number would be 9. Here are the meanings for 1-9:

1 = leadership, pride, courage, independence, positive, individualist

2 = quiet, gentle, artistic, agreeable
3= self-expression, creative, passionate, talented, witty

4 = reliable, logical, loyal, firm

5 = change, adventurous, dramatic, flamboyant, free-thinking

6 = charming, sympathetic, peacemaker, unselfish

7 = intellect, spiritual, probing, quiet, pensive

8 = money, fame, fortune, wisdom, successful

9 = sensitive, intuitive, understanding, emotional

Using Numerology with Lotto can help you decide how you play your numbers. For example, playing a lot of numbers with the number 8 in them would be beneficial to you, because the meaning of the number 8 is money, fame, and fortune. Numerology is a cool way to determine what numbers mean and how we can use them towards our benefit.

2. Using Tarot Cards: We’ve all heard that Tarot cards can predict your future or tell you something beyond our knowledge of ourselves, but can it predict Lotto numbers? Tarot Cards are a pack of cards from the mid-15th Century Europe, usually consisting of 78 cards. In the 18th Century, it went from being a fun card game to a card game used to predict the future by psychics, mystics, and occultists. Its main purpose during the 18th Century was to show us our mental and spiritual path. There are two types of Tarot cards that are used during the readings: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards, which are 22 cards, are known as the ‘major secrets.’ Minor Arcana cards, which in total are 56 cards, are known for being the ‘minor secrets.’ In the Major Arcana group, cards are without suits, and have specialty cards like the famous ‘Magician’ card, which means ‘significant power.’ The Minor Arcana cards are 4 suits of 14 cards each, like the King, Queen, etc. While many believe that Tarot cards can predict your future, can they actually predict your lotto numbers?

3. Picking Lucky Lotto Numbers: Did you know that there are lucky Lotto numbers? According to, the luckiest Lotto numbers are: 3, 7, 9, 11, 25, and 27. While it’s not a guarantee that these numbers will always be winners, it’s still exhilarating to play those ‘lucky’ numbers on your Lotto ticket! As most of us know, people tend to play the numbers that they’re partial to, like birthdays, anniversaries, or favorite athletes’ numbers. Would you play your favorite numbers or would you play these lucky ones?

When it comes to choosing Lotto numbers it can be tricky. There’s only so many numbers you can play with the millions of possibilities you can choose from. Would you rather “Quick Pick” your numbers and have the computer decide for you, or would you rather pick them? Do you think it’s possible to get assistance from the other side on winning numbers?


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